Mark Mocarski
Public Service
Horse Racing
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Tweets I submitted to the Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign.
The GOP has picked Cleveland for their first debate. Hasn't the Rust Belt suffered enough?
Having all those Republicans in Cleveland might make LeBron want to leave town again.
I'm not going to watch the GOP debate. If I want to see clowns, I'll visit the circus.
I decided to watch the GOP debate after all. Can't pass up a good comedy.
All those Republicans on stage—things haven't looked this ugly in Cleveland since the Cuyahoga caught on fire.
That wasn't a debate. That was ten guys auditioning to be water boys for Wall Street.
That guy Trump makes a lot of sense. When you turn the sound off.
I think I have more real hair than Trump.
And the prize for best performance during the GOP debate goes to whoever did Donald Trump's hair weave. That person is a magician.
Remember how the Republicans busted the economy in 2008? The ten guys on stage last night want to go back to those days.
The Republicans believe there isn't a problem in the world that can't be solved by starting another endless war.
Last night's ten GOP candidates: All they were saying is give war another chance.
Until last night's GOP debate “Carrie' was the scariest thing I had ever watched.
There was enough fertilizer being spread at last night's GOP debate to cover all the farms in Vermont.
I don't care what they are thinking in Davos. I care what they are thinking in Dubuque.
A government of, by and for the people will most certainly perish from the the earth if we keep handing it over to our biggest corporations.
Banks need to go back to handing out toasters instead of default swaps.
Making 400 times what the average worker makes isn't a sign of success. It's a sign of greed.
The only thing standing between you and the corporate domination of our government is a voting booth.
John Kennedy didn't ask what you can do for Countrywide Financial.
The most crime infested neighborhood in America isn't in Detroit. It's Wall Street.
It's time the banksters traded in their three-piece suits for orange jump suits.
Billionaires are not your friend, my friend.
Off-shore the billionaires.
A free-range chicken in every pot and a green car in every garage.
Wage stagnation is not healthy for children or other living things.
Stakeholders have rights too.
Shareholder value didn't build this country. The American middle class did.
We can do better. We have to.
Down with all the redistribution upwards.
This country has given the 1% many things. So why are they handing them to China?
Endless war is the same as endless suicide.
The Washington quid pro quo has got to go.
Whoever said hard work is its own reward must not have had bills to pay.
How can you call yourself a defender of capitalism when you export jobs to communist China?
The Founding Fathers never meant for our government to be an ATM machine for corporations.
It's time to blow up the military budget.
If we don't get money out of politics, democracy will be getting out of America.
Subsistence wages have no place in the wealthiest country in the world.
I didn't come to Washington to praise big corporate interests. I came to bury them.
Democracy is too important to be left to corporate lobbyists.
Big Money is a bigger threat to our democracy than Iran.
I'm nobody's lap dog. And I bite when I have to.
Rewarding capital at the expense of labor is not working for millions of underpaid Americans.
Today's minimum wage is a maximum insult.
It's not 1968 anymore. So why do we keep paying minimum wage workers like it is.
I'm not worried about the top 1%. It's the bottom 99% that I'm fighting for.
The people who have everything keep telling the rest of us we can't have anything.
If Trump really wants to keep the crooks out, he should build a wall around Wall Street.
I wouldn't call Reagan the worst President. Jefferson Davis was pretty bad.
In the words of those great philosophers Twister Sister, We're not going to take it anymore.
It's not pie in the sky to believe that every American should have enough money to put food on the table.
It's not pie in the sky to believe the middle class deserve more of the pie.
No one has to hold their nose when they vote for me.
Universal health coverage—it's not utopia when every other western nation has it.
Forty years of voodoo economics have put a bad spell on the country.
Supply-side economics—When the rich get all the supplies and you get a big side of nothing.
Forever is too long to wait for real change.
Trickle-down economics is when the crooks on Wall Street drink champagne while the folks in Flint drink lead.
Universal health coverage—they say we can't afford to do it. We can't afford NOT to afford to do it.
When the rich say you can't have it, that's because they don't want you to have it.
I like my progressivism strong not lite.
What has the status quo done for you lately?
President Bernie Sanders—The radical idea that we shouldn't keep doing the same thing over and over again.
No more neo-con jobs.
Going along to get along is what Neville Chamberlain did.
A college education is too valuable to be unaffordable.
While raising the billionaires' yachts, we sunk the middle class economy.
In 1957 Milwaukee had a socialist mayor and the Braves won the World Series. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
Why is there always money for Baghdad but not Beloit?
The economy is rigged—you can bank on it.
Hillary is taking it to the streets: Wall, Rodeo, Park Avenue and everywhere else the rich fundraisers reside.
If only Hillary was as good at funding our public schools as she is at funding her campaign.
I'd rather raise hell than campaign contributions from Wall Street.
What good is consensus when your opponents have totally lost their senses?
If you aren't mad you must be.
It's time for Walker to take a hike.
Scott Walker couldn't be here tonight. He was too busy fetching water for the Koch Brothers.
I love my country too much to let the Koch Brothers and their errand boy in Madison run it.
Speaking of frozen tundra, do you know what's in Scott Walker's heart?
When your great-grandparents were getting a raw deal, they fought for a New Deal. It's time we did the same.
Teach you children well. Because if the Republicans have their way there won't be any public teachers left to do so.
It's okay to be rich. But it's not okay to make sure everyone else stays poor.
Subsistence wages are beneath the wealthiest nation in the world.
It is time for people of good conscience to stand up to the big corporations that have none.
An economy that works for just the 1% is 99% not working.
After 40 years of trickle-down economics, it's time for some trickle-up. Raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks.
We're not just having a healthcare crisis. We're having a healthcare crime wave. Stop Big Medicine from ripping us off.
Lloyd Blankfein says bankers do God's work. When did God hire Mister Potter?
Hillary Clinton is too privileged to fail.
The same old, same old has gotten really old.
Why am I running for President? Goldman Sachs made me do it.
The billionaires say the economy isn't rigged. And I've got a bridge in Greenwich, Connecticut to sell you.
I'm invited to the Vatican to speak on economic inequality and Hillary Clinton gets invited to Goldman Sachs to speak on … she won't say.
It's hard to get a leg up when someone is standing on it.
I am what I am and not what Goldman Sachs tells me to be.
Economic justice delayed is economic justice denied. Raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks.
Economic inequality is the civil rights issue of our time.
College should be a public right not a private privilege.
I choose to stand in picket lines, not the Goldman Sachs buffet line.
If elected I will fight for the neglected.
We either have a revolution in the halls of Congress or it will happen in the streets of America.
More political strangulation through Clinton triangulation? I don't think so.
Hillary was expecting a cake walk. Instead she's getting a run for her Goldman Sachs money.
Slow and easy has never been my default setting.
The great political philosopher Jim Morrison said it best: The time to hesitate is through.
This country needs a lot less of more-of-the-same.
I've been fighting for economic and social justice for over fifty years. Why would I quit now?
The question isn't will things change? The question is will the change be good or bad?
What's so funny about peace, love, understanding and a fair wage for a fair day's work?
I've been standing up and fighting too long to lay down now.
I'll quit as soon as the water in Trump's Mar-a-Lago pool freezes over.
The billionaires don't think we have an income inequality problem. That's rich.
Death, taxes and Hillary. I'm still working to make sure one of those is not inevitable.
The US ranks 92nd in income equality and number one in rich people who want to convince you otherwise.
If supporting a living wage is revolutionary, then I say bring on the revolution.
It's time to dis the supply-side dystopia.
I'd be laughing at the Laffer Curve if it wasn't so tragic.
I like Ike's tax policy.
We don't need more politicians fighting for the greater good of the wealthy.
A lot of people on the right work very hard at convincing you that poor people don't work hard.
In Iceland, they put the bankers that destroyed the economy behind bars. Here we put them behind desks in the Treasury Department.
I will never stop shining a light on the too many dark realities of our economy.
What good is pragmatism if the policies your practice stink?
They say universal single-payer healthcare is a pipe dream. I say what we have now is a nightmare.
It's true: Hillary is very good at delivering things. Especially speeches to Goldman Sachs.
The economic class war is far from being dismissed.
The economic beat down on those at the bottom must stop.
Power trumps people only if we let it.
Our middle-of-the-road economic policies have run over the middle class.
War, what is it good for? I don't know, you'll have to ask Hillary.
I rather fight the system than be a willing victim of it.
I don't apologize for my progressivism. Do Republicans apologize for their regressivism?
The sky's the limit isn't possible when Wall Street keeps letting it fall on everyone.
What's really radical is after 40 years of failed supply-side economic were still practicing it.
Hi, I'm Bernie Sanders. You may have heard of me even if the “New York Times” has not.
What are you going to tell your grandchildren, I voted for “staying the course?
I've never run away from anything. Why would I start now?
What is wrong with people who aren't millionaires having things too?
When was the last time the 1% was told they can't have something? Why are you and I always being told we can't have anything?
This country is slipping into a banana republic.
What's political pragmatism done for you lately?
You can vote for the wrong change (Trump) or no change (Hillary) or the real change we need.
If the Founding Fathers had done the practical thing we'd still have a king.
If now is not the time to do what is right, when will it ever be?
The rich never lower their expectations. So why must we diminish ours?
We're told we should be happy with a glass half-full. Meanwhile the 1%'s cup is running over.
Wall Street wants your vote. Don't they own enough already?
We're giving Hillary a run for her Wall Street donor money.
It's time to roil the Clinton royalty.
Do we really want to do the Clinton time warp again?
What does $225,000 buy you these days? We don't know because neither Hillary nor Goldman Sachs will tell us.
Do we wait for a better world or do we start building one now?
I'd rather be an agent of change than a victim of it.
This just in from the Clinton campaign: The coronation has been postponed to a later date.
I was never for the Iraq War before I was against it. I know bad as soon as I see it. That's what leaders do.
The fat cats think we are pussies.
I'll suspend my campaign when the people tell me to, not the “New York Times."
You can be the change you want to see or you can wait to see what change the 1% have in store for you.
Why are we waiting to do what the rest of the modern world has already done?
Incrementalism is fine if you are a turtle.
Gradualism is okay if you are a snail.
It's easy for the wealthy to say economic justice must wait.
Slow and steady doesn't cut it when there's a race to the bottom going on.
Hillary is going to triangulate like it's 1999.
You can't have outside-the-box solutions when everything is controlled by insiders.
What good is getting things done when what you are doing is keeping things from REALLY getting done?
I didn't enter this race to inspire people to dream small.
Great countries don't do small. Neither do their political leaders.
The best leaders get people to believe in possibilities, not probabilities.
I don't plan to work with the Republicans. I plan to work to defeat them.
A great leader takes people places where the entrenched interests don't want them to go.
I prefer reinvention to regurgitation.
Our party doesn't need more Republican Lite. We need Democratic Strong.
If you want to know what a candidate really stands for, check which corporate donors stand with her.
For forty years worker productivity has increased while wages have remained stagnant. And some people still think the economy isn't rigged.
Corporate hegemony is the enemy.
A thriving middle class is the source of America's economic strength, not the consequence of it.
If you work in a restaurant, you should be paid enough to afford to eat in a restaurant.
I must not have gotten the memo that the Hillary coronation has begun.
Universal healthcare—what we call a fantasy of the left the rest of the modern world calls a fundamental right.
Never mind being great again, how about being great for once by making college free?
Great countries don't think small.
A great leader takes people places where the entrenched interests don't want them to go
Free college education. Because the world needs more books and a lot fewer bombs.
Why should those who broke the economy get all the tax breaks? End the carried interest loophole.
The fight for economic justice does not have a cut-off date.
The progress we want to see tomorrow still starts with what we do today.
People make mistakes. Our job continues to be getting Republicans to learn from theirs.
Even with me gone, the establishment still has to go.
What the hell—I'll vote for Hill.
A Bernie supporter for Hillary Clinton
Hillary's thumb on the red button sure beats Trump's stubby finger.
A Bernie Sanders supporter for Hillary Clinton
Rather hold my nose than get it bent out of shape by Trump.
A Bernie Sanders supporter for Hillary Clinton
Better triangulation that conflagration.
A Bernie Sanders supporter for Hillary Clinton
It's either Bernie's revolution or revolution by pitchfork.